On 29/10/21 with a lot of help from all our donors, supporters and families we are extremely grateful for empowering one of our widows to start her own farm with crops to supply food and vegetables to other families in need and support her family . Agricultural empowerment sustainability helps to create food surpluses that enabled our widowed live independently.
Mrs Jane, said she had 4 children before her husband died 5years ago and she could not cope with the challenges facing her and the children. When our team visited to speak, she said about the daily struggles to give her children a chance at a better life than they had.
We observed that the basic items of food, clothing, cash and among others, hitherto given to our widows could not sustain them and their families, through Agriculture Jane could give her children a better education and life.
Agriculture is more likely than other sectors to provide diverse opportunities for empowering our widows.
We provide her with her cash sum of #50,000 to help improving verities of seedling and fertilizer to enable the scale up her farming activities for self-reliance. We are trying to encourage our widows to go beyond subsistence farming and embrace commercial farming This to help carter for her children, farming is a very lucrative business in Africa especially in Nigeria. our vision is to help establishing widows in Africa so the envy of other women instead of living beggarly. Also, boost widows’ self-confidence with the provision of farm inputs and basic education to improve their wellbeing.
Everything donated is greatly appriciated and every little bit helps.
We are always here to support you0 please get in touch if you need any support or help.
Feel free to check out our partner company The Widows Eampowerment Trust.
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