Our volunteers worked many long hours over the Christmas period to provide food for our community of widows in Kenya. We try every year to provide food security to all of our clients during these difficult times. We are beyond proud and grateful of everyone who could help us get this achievement of being able to change lives.
We collected: rice, live chicken, salt, tomatoes, maize, flour and many more. We were so excited to have this opportunity again. We love to try and changes lives and give them some security and strength this Christmas. We worked in partnership this year with a brilliant company called Come Together Widows and Orphans Organisation, to supply between 300-550 widows with our Christmas Package this year. We provided transport for these women and their families so that they could easily get to and from the workshop that was open through, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
We aim to offer this again to our clients in 2022, however we need your help to make this possible. By donating we can help support all of our clients in Kenya and nigeria this year.
We are happy to announce that our Christmas Mission was successful and well-received by the widows, many of whom were incredibly grateful as this was the first time they have ever experienced anything like this. This achievement wouldn't be possible for us without the love and support of our sponsors, donors and volunteers, all of whom worked hard on his project. A special thank you to everyone for supporting us and especially the founder/CEO of W.E.T, Mrs Oyovwe Kigho, who made all of this possible! Going through grief is without a doubt the most difficult and distressing period of time that most humans will experience in their lives. Losing a loved one is an immeasurable painful process and one that affects every person differently, making it difficult to know how to offer support. Some people wish to be alone and contemplative, whereas others need to be social and active. However, there is one objective truth: bereavement is difficult to go through, especially alone. Supporting those is need during these times is vital.
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